How does Benji work?
Benji is a platform designed specifically to coach you to financial fitness through a variety of tools. With the Benji app, we’ll calculate your financial fitness score right away which will help you to determine where things are looking great – and where you could use some improvement in your financial health. By making some small adjustments, you will shape up your finances step by step, with real results that will coach you to peak financial wellness over time.
Will using Benji lower my credit scores?
No. None of Benji’s services are designed to have a negative impact on your Credit Score.
What is a Financial Fitness score?
A Financial Fitness score is an indicator of your overall financial health. It takes into account things like current savings, spending habits, debt, etc. Your score can range from 0-100 with 100 being very Financially Fit!
Do I need to link my bank account and credit report?
No, you are not required to link your accounts. We do highly recommend linking your accounts as this will give you the most accurate information about your financial health and the best opportunity to achieve financial freedom!
What should I do right away?

Here are some typical things members do:

  1. Fill out the Financial Fitness Score Survey to determine your overall financial health
  2. Link Credit Monitoring to get your Credit Score
  3. Link all your financial accounts for budgeting
  4. Set up your Perks account
  5. Set up your Career Development account
What is the Credit Builder?

The Credit Builder reports your monthly payments to all three credit bureaus. Positive payment history is a key factor in developing a higher credit score.

Why is my credit score different on your app?
Your credit scores may vary according to the credit scoring model used and may also vary based on which credit bureau furnishes the credit report used for the data. That’s because not all lenders and creditors report to all three nationwide credit bureaus. Some may report to two, one or none at all.
How many times can I speak with a Financial Educator?
As many as you would like! There are no limits or additional charges no matter your call time or how many times you speak with an FE.
How many times can I speak with a Career Advisor?
As many as you would like! There are no limits or additional charges no matter your call time or how many times you speak with a CA.
How many times can I speak with a lawyer?
As many as you would like! There are no limits or additional charges no matter your call time or how many times you speak with a legal representative.
How do I use the Perks?
Perks offers a world of savings and unique deals, from everyday items to rare finds. Visit the Perks page in your app and click the link to get online discounts on the world’s biggest brands, offering deals on everything from groceries and entertainment to travel! Our user-friendly app puts these exclusive offers right at your fingertips, making it effortless to enjoy the benefits you deserve.
How do I reset my password?
If you are unable to login to your account, please click on the “Forgot Password” link in the login screen.

If you are logged into the app, click on the Account link in the top right corner (should be a circle with your initials), then click on Security Settings.

How do I update my personal information?
Click on the Account link in the top right corner (should be a circle with your initials), then click on Profile Settings.